5 must have softwares for pros like you.

My essentials in toolbelt for MacBook.

Sameer Kumar
4 min readOct 3, 2022
Best mac softwares.
Top mac tools for professionals.

I have been using Linux for many years and am amazed that there is a tool for every use case. The same goes for MacBook as well, there is a plethora of free tools that will make you more productive and at the same save a lot of frustration coming out of repetitive manual work.


Meeter is a tool which sits in your top bar and sends you a quick join popup when a meeting starts. It works with almost all meeting solutions, including google meet, Microsoft teams, cisco webex, etc. I can not simply live without it. I came to know about this one out of very particular frustration about google meet.

And, here it goes, like every sane user I had more than 5 google accounts logged in my browser, and whenever I used to click a meeting link, it would join by the default account, and then the chain of frustration starts. Meeter tracks your on-device calendar and ensures that when you click the join button, you are joined through the intended account.

No more missing the call, because it keeps running a countdown timer in your top bar. Optionally it can also display the meeting title as well.

Countdown to the next meeting in the top bar.
Meeter — https://www.trymeeter.com/
Meeter — https://www.trymeeter.com/


Working from home on a limited internet connection is a big challenge and I had to track the speed and usage constantly. This small tool comes as a full package solution for such use cases.

Even if you are on the better side, at least it can help you decide when call quality goes down, then whom to blame. 🎃

Bandwidth+ — https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bandwidth/id490461369
Bandwidth+ — https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bandwidth/id490461369


As an engineer, I can not live without a terminal, or rather say most of the time I live in the terminal. Fig comes in handy by suggesting the next commands very intelligently and aesthetically in form of a dropdown.

These commands are context-aware and for most parts cover all daily use cases. To some extent, it serves as live documentation in the terminal.

Fig — https://fig.io/
Fig — https://fig.io/


Now and then, there comes a need to make a quick header for my blog or trim 2px from the logo I am supposed to put on a website. Since I am not a creative designer or photographer by profession, it doesn't make sense to use a full-blown Adobe product.

For the long period that I used this free product, I never felt the need to get photoshop installed. It will cater to all typical use cases of photoshop in a familiar layout without costing a penny. I encourage donating if you can to the good cause of bringing such a good photoshop alternative online.

Best mac softwares.
Photopea — https://www.photopea.com/

Top Notch

Makes the notch disappear like a 🥷.

Macbook M1 Pro brought a good camera system but in turn gave me the biggest OCD ever, THE NOTCH. It started getting quite distracting and then I found this application that smartly hides your notch and gives realistic-looking rounded corners as well.

TopNotch — https://topnotch.app/



Sameer Kumar

Working as Technical Consultant at Tarka Labs, India. I love Coding, Travelling and Teaching. 😇