Enum on Rails — A shallow dive 💎
After so long, active again. Let’s have a look at beloved ActiveRecord this time. It packs up too much to be covered in simple glance, one such feature is interpretation of enums in rails. Enums are nothing more than an array technically in other languages but here its high on steroids. Lets try to clean a mess with help of enums.
As always lets create a hypothetical problem first so that we can pretend to solve and learn something from it. Our application has a table for accounts and we have implemented something like below to manage it. <Dirty code alert!>
Account table structure: class CreateAccounts < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
def change
create_table :accounts do |t|
t.string :first_name
t.string :last_name
t.string :status
Account model:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class Account < ApplicationRecord
validates_inclusion_of :status, in: %w[created active inactive deleted]
validates_inclusion_of :origin, in: %w[email facebook google twitter]
Now we try to do something based on our Account model, Lets say for an account which is inactive and came from email origin, send an email.
if @account.status == 'inactive' && @account.origin == 'email'
p 'Sending an email.'
# do something
This of course works well, at this point in your career you won’t be writing something that doesn’t work but we want to take our game to next level. One possible way is to use boolean methods like:
class Account < ApplicationRecord
validates_inclusion_of :status, in: %w[created active inactive deleted]
validates_inclusion_of :origin, in: %w[email facebook google twitter]
def inactive?
status == 'inactive'
def email_orgin?
status == 'email'
Then it looks a bit more cleaner:
if @account.inactive? && @account.email_orgin?
puts 'Sending an email...'
# do something
Taking it to an ultra pro max level we can substitute it with enums this time. Enums are representation of strings in form of integers. We’ll look into structure soon but lets start with a small migration to represent it:
class AddStatusToAccounts < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
def change
add_column :accounts, :status, :integer
New account model:
class Account < ApplicationRecord
enum status: [:created, :active, :inactive, :cancelled]
enum managed_by: [:admin, :user], _prefix: true
enum origin: [:email, :facebook, :google, :twitter], _suffix: true
Here these values like email, Facebook, google, twitter, etc are available to rails but in database it is stored as 0, 1, 2, 3 respectively. Kinda intuitive already!
Alternatively and better way is to use hash for index consistency:
class Account < ApplicationRecord
enum status: {created: 0, active: 3, inactive: 1, cancelled: 3}
enum managed_by: [admin: 0, user: 1], _prefix: true
enum origin: [email: 0, facebook: 1, google: 3], _suffix: true
Typically you can use it similarly as a normal value, just like:
if @account.status == :active
puts 'Account is active'
BUT, We didn’t come all this way to do same thing as we could have done in our first attempt. ActiveRecord’s secret love for enum comes in light when we see its built in methods for enums.
As you can infer from these examples, in this case since we have not specified any modifiers, so it is being used as a direct method on model. Like:
With prefix option:
With suffix option:
Apart from these object level magic, we have some at class/scope level as well:
Let whole reading stuff aside, we can write value even more elegantly [Validations included]:
@account.inactive! # @account.update(status: :inactive)
@account.managed_by_user! # @account.update(managed_by: :inactive)
@account.google_origin! # @account.update(orgin: :google)
That was all on fundamentals of Enums on Rails. Well I think, now you have a smile on your face, hence, one on mine. Stay tuned. We’ll catchup again next week to discuss something amazing!
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